
"To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice." -Proverbs 21:3

Monday, February 11, 2013

Its been awhile.....

Its been awhile scene I posted on this blog. Not because I didnt want to but life just got in the way. I had another baby, a little girl. I started a major move which will take place in about 11wks as we say goodbye to the US and hello to the UK. I am still homeschooling my family and I am ready to take the next step into this 2013 year.
I started another blog Coffee & Kids to be able to post my fun stuff like crafts and sight seeing around England.
I have had to trust God with a lot lately. Manly the life of my children but now the life of my whole family.
I got the best gift this last year for my birthday. "Jesus Calling" its been a real eye opener.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If i won the Lotto

So my husband and I just for fun like to play the California state lotto. We never exspect to win but its just something fun. When I buy a ticket I always like to dream of the things we would by. (we dont play faithfully our last ticket was back in Aug and here it is April) But right away my mind flys off to all the things I would buy.
1. a new house
2. new cars
3. a few trips here and there
4. more blah blah blah blah

Then it hit me as I said a little prayer to God, Oh please oh please oh please let us win. Ha ha ha
That the life that God has for me isnt planned around all this worldly stuff. Yes I would still Love to win the lotto but I started changing my thinking from what I could do with the money for myself, to what I could do with the money for others.
I know that if I were to win the Lotto it would be because God has choicen me to use the money to help others. First I would Tithe my 10% and even though I would love to take the credit for my churches Out burst of Joy with the million or so on new income. I know that the credit wouldnt be mine to accept.
second I would figure out what would be best for my family.
I would love a new house but is that whats best? I would make sure we are debt free (which thankfully we are already pretty close) and I would start funds for my kids. I wouldnt over do it because I dont want them relying on money and turning it into a idol so I would set standers. Like if they go to colloge they can have X amount of dollars for these items. and if they go on a mission trip will give them X amount and so on and so on. I dont think I would ever just write them a big check.
Then after that is said and done I would help out my family and friends that have needs. Again I wouldnt hand out checks because I feel like that would be pointless unless I new for a fact that I could trust that person or persons with money. I would then turn to my community. I know that we need to help others. Japan was hit hard, africa needs clean water. So on and So on. But if I look around in my own back yard there are people right here that need help just as much as others far away. I would love to donate items like cars, food, diapers, whatever these people need. I would love to start up some kind of non profit company that would either help battered women and children or just a group for children with reading programs, play, support and cousoling. Our children our the next generation and I believe they need as much love as we can give them. I would love to start a christian camp or help support one. I am all for anything that teaches the love of God to those who havent heard. I would support my Klove radio station.
I feel like the more I write the more and more I could go on and on with things that I would help.
I hope that money wouldnt take over my life and that I would be able to use it for good and not become selfish in my own wants. I know that there is a perfect story in the bible where a very rich man came to Jesus and asked what he could do to get  into the kingdom of God. Jesus told him to sell everything and give it to the poor. The man went away sad because he didnt want to give up his things.  It is said that it is harder for a ritch man to get into the kingdom of heaven then it is for a poor man.
The reason for this is because we let other things take the place of God. Money, furniture, jewlery, and just junk (I use the work Junk for all the things we have that we dont need) And we all have a lot of Junk. I believe that if God willing I would win the Lotto that I would be able to use it to help others. I believe that God has given me a heart for loving others and even if I wanted to spend the money in ways that God didnt want I know he would bring me down to earth again and show me where it was needed.
Dont get me wrong I would love to make sure my family is taken care of but I wouldnt allow it to take control of our lives and turn us into ungrateful brats.
Not that I will ever when the lotto but I thought it was a good lesson to look at.
If you came into a large amount of money think about what you would do to give back? Would you help others or would you just spend it all on yourself and your family? Would you even accept a large amount of money?
As a proverbs women in training I would like to make sure that when I leave this world I have more friends then things and more memories of love then momories of money.

I love you Jesus and whatever plan you have for my life I will accept it

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hello, My names Heather and I am a Dr.Pepperaholic

If your like me you LOVE soda and when you do anything its nice to just have a soda in hand. And when I say soda I mean DR.PEPPER!
Even when I clean I first think, "wheres my DP I need it to keep me going".  Lately I have been watching this interesting show about weird addictions people have. Now granted they are talking to people who eat toilet paper and couch cushions. Which no I dont have a problem with that, But the interesting thing is that when they talk to these people about why they do this stuff there answers are always the same.
It gives them comfort, it gives them a feeling of control, and they cant see their lives with out it.

It was weird because when I listened to it I keep thinking of Myself and DP. Before I new it I was both shocked and scared! Was it true? Was I addicted to Dr. Pepper? Lets see. When I drink it I feel a scene of comfort. No matter what I am doing I can take it with me. and I cant see myself with out it! I mean that would just be crazy its not like its a drug and its not like when I am drinking it I cant drive or take care of my kids........STOPPING MYSELF RIGHT THEIR.....Wow does that sound like someone addicted to something or what? Yes I can go days with out DP and think about it and wish for it and then when I get a chance to have it again I Over do it. Just like and acoholic.
SO weird, and So sad.
So this got me thinking. In the Bible it talks about having other gods besides the Lord and how these things can be idols. When I was a teenager I got addicted to wearing Make up. I would love to blame my mom for this who cant go anywhere much less the mail box with out looking her best. But in all honesty I cant because although she set that example I am still the one who went along with it and adopted her behavior.
But I was convicted one day to stop. Just go to the store and not have any make up on. The make up was becoming and Idol for me and I was worried more about, my looks then what God wanted for me in my life. (I know change of subject and now back again) But the point being that I have fallen back into this pattern with DP now.
When we think of false idols we always assume that its money, or another religion, or drugs. But anything that you have in your life that you put as number one is your idol.
I had to learn how to wear Make up without letting it control my life and I do still wear it from time to time. But I learned to not let it be who I was all the time. Its ok if I dont look Photo shoot ready all the time.
Now it looks like I have to recheck myself and not allow Soda, or FOOD to be my life.
Its weird I know but what is in your life that might be taking over? And Food is a hard addiction because its always there. Granted, yes I could just not by soda ever again. But its still always going to be in my life. The restaurants, grocery stores, or parties I attend. And I know I am strong and With Gods help i can break this Habit (or addiction) that I have allowed to consume my thought process and my life. Even though DP is so sweet and tasty. I have to look at my health and whats better for me. I dont want to be diabetic or get Heart disease or anything else thats related to High sugar diets. SO HARD but so worth it.
And Praying sure helps.

Signed off from this 2011 Proverbs Women In training.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

busy busy bee

So I havent been posting much on here lately and for those of you who follow me I am sorry about that.  One of the reasons is I have been really busy these last few weeks. Which has been nice to make time go by quickly but it also I believe is cutting into my family time. Which was something that I had also heard one of my friends say about herself. That she felt like her family was suffering because of all that she had going on. I think that on one had its nice to have things rush by because my wonderful hubby will be home but on the other had I dont want my kids to suffer. I noticed that between working out, driving to and from the girls school, dance class, brownies, and whatever other grocery shopping, hanging out with friends and Bible study, church, house cleaning. its a wonder I get anything done and even know where my kids are.  Looks like its time for me to take a breather and I think my body is telling me to do that as well. Seeing that I am now in my 3rd day of laryngitis and cant seem to shake it.  Which i believe my kids love by the way, mommy cant scream or yell or even really say anything.
So the kids have been learning sign language ha ha.
I am really looking forward to the month of November. I have two babies bday that month and of course Thanksgiving which I will get to see my in laws and hopefully they will be able to help me with whatever I need.
I have had another laundry list of things go wrong from rain that leaked into my room and soaked my bed. to my suburban battery dying and being stuck at the house when my kids needed to be in school. I thank God daily because I have made some friends that have been able to help me out and with out them I dont know where I would be right now. Well probably in a corner losing my mind lol.
I think this Bee needs to stop buzzing and relax and rest for awhile, get better and use the time to recharge. Spend some time with my kids and enjoy life before it passes me by.
Oh a side not I have lost a total of 12 pounds scene I had my son so thats nice! only a LOT more to go but at least I have a start and hopefully it will melt off now that I am finally losing it.
Good Night all I am hitting the bed early!
To all my Proverbs Wives out there dont get so busy that you forget the point of your life is to serve God and your family everything else can wait!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

is it that time already?

So I look outside this morning and was happy with what I saw. Awww Rain at my window, the sound of relaxation. I am a Big Fall and Winter lover so I was ready to see the heat of the summer go. Which was also nice because we have no a.c. in my house. All I need is some firewood for our wood burning stove.and a cup of HOT chocolate or coffee which ever helps me the best at the time.
But while I was in my window gazing moment I realised, with two November babies and Christmas and one January babyits that time again. To start planning for shopping trips, busy stores, craziness followed by tantrums and meltdowns, and then the kids attitudes on top of that! UGH so how would a proverbs women plan for the season? Ebay, online shopping maybe.
Or maybe we would first start with PRAYER! Planning is good but trusting God to show you the right path is better. First let God remind you that the reason for the season isnt gifts, food, and Christmas trees. Its Jesus Christ and His birth. Maybe this year it would be better to focus on what I can do for others (not gift giving wise, But spiritually, helping hands etc..) And teaching my kids to give right their along side of me.
So Yes I will be getting gifts for my kids. But the point is to not allow that to consume the time of year and take over my emotions and life.
My rule for birthdays is usually one gift followed by much needed clothes.
and my rule for Christmas is 3 gifts because Jesus received 3 gifts on his birth. And that way the kids can think of Jesus even when its Christmas day and their excitement has taken over and they are unwrapping whatever it is that they are getting.
This also helps with keeping the mess and toys down and that they arent just overloaded with stuff!

So if your already making a list figure out what rules you can set for yourself to keep you emotionally on level, spiritually aware and Remember the REAL reason for the Season and thats Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 15, 2010


So when your sitting on a Plane and its about to crash they tell you to first put on your own air mask before you help your children put on theirs. Its a weird thought to think in a crash you would first reach for your own mask over your children's.
But the reason for this is because that if you pass out from loss of oxygen your no good to anyone around you.
I believe this method goes for a lot of life's journey's. I have decided to get fit and in shape. Why? Well yeah I can say I want to look good and be a hot mama, or that I just want to be comfortable in my jeans. But truth of the matter is if I am over weight and if I dont do something about it the best for my life is out of reach. I will either get healthier or more unhealthier and if I am unhealthy that means I will have a shorter life span and I cant be around for my family or kids. I am also teaching my children bad habits and there for I am no good to anyone around me.
I am doing a Healthy life style of eating and I am working a DVD called Insanity which is Hard work. I am failing in some areas like arms haha, you would think with all the baby carring around I do my arms would be the strongest part of my body but i guess its all in the HIPS, LITERALLY! I have mama barring hips and Those have to Go to.  So This is my journey to help myself so that I can be here to help my family around me and my friends.
Proverbs wife is all about providing and helping her family and I cant see the Proverbs Wife that is talked about in the Bible Being a unhealthy mama.
Proverbs Wife to the rescue

Sunday, October 3, 2010

praise report

Today was a good day! So thats a total prays report.  Although at the end of the day I still miss my hubby at least nothing broke (knock on wood) nothing stressed me out and nothing was overwhelming. I spent my morning at Church followed by some good family time at my sisters for dinner.
Got a lot of adult talking time out and spent a good portion of it being able to not have to watch my kids. (thanks mom for watching the kids or holding Levi so i could just be lazy)
I think the worst part was just knowing I was driving home to an empty house. I wish I could just say "ok quit" and he would be able to come home.
But I am ready to get over being so bummed out and upset and live this time to the fullest loving my kids and working on them. Be the best mom I can be, and make sure that they dont suffer because of this.
Now might just be a great time to make sure the discipline is in order and the attitudes and behavior gets adjusted to where it needs to be. Also I am working hard to lose the "BABY WEIGHT" dreaded words ahhhh. So I am ready lets start this all over again with a happier note!